Updates On Moira Updates On Moira

Updates On Moira

After her initial care at our VAMMR hospital, Moira was recently transferred to one of the Vancouver Aquarium’s behind-the-scenes quarantine pools. This move was made to accommodate Moira’s warm water environmental requirements. As a result, Moira's body temperature has stabilized at 26 degrees Celsius.


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While Moira still has a long road to recovery, she continues to progress well and recently completed an important milestone - eating! Her first meals have consisted of surf clam, squid, and shrimp. It is our hope that she can be released in warmer waters later this year.

Moira’s rescue underscores the broader challenges marine life faces in our rapidly changing oceans. She represents only the second ever reported loggerhead sighting in British Columbia, a species that has been federally protected in the USA since 1978 due to its vulnerable status.

As the only facility and team capable of providing the specialized care needed by unique animals like Moira, we are deeply grateful for our supporters who make rescues like this possible.

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